A C++ library for IRLBA
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irlba Namespace Reference

Implements the IRLBA algorithm for approximate SVD. More...


class  Centered
 Wrapper for a centered matrix. More...
class  EigenThreadScope
 Restrict the number of available threads for Eigen. More...
struct  get_adjoint_workspace
 Get the type of workspace for wrapped_adjoint_multiply(). More...
struct  get_adjoint_workspace< Matrix_, decltype((void) std::declval< typename Matrix_::Index >(), 0)>
 Get the type of workspace for wrapped_adjoint_multiply(). More...
struct  get_workspace
 Get the type of workspace for wrapped_multiply(). More...
struct  get_workspace< Matrix_, decltype((void) std::declval< typename Matrix_::Index >(), 0)>
 Get the type of workspace for wrapped_multiply(). More...
class  MockMatrix
 Interface for a matrix to use in compute(). More...
struct  Options
 Options for the IRLBA algorithm. More...
class  ParallelSparseMatrix
 Sparse matrix with customizable parallelization. More...
struct  Results
 Result of the IRLBA-based decomposition. More...
class  Scaled
 Wrapper for a scaled matrix. More...


template<class Matrix_ >
using WrappedWorkspace = typename get_workspace< Matrix_ >::type
template<class Matrix_ >
using WrappedAdjointWorkspace = typename get_adjoint_workspace< Matrix_ >::type


template<class Matrix_ , class EigenMatrix_ , class EigenVector_ >
std::pair< bool, intcompute (const Matrix_ &matrix, Eigen::Index number, EigenMatrix_ &outU, EigenMatrix_ &outV, EigenVector_ &outD, const Options &options)
template<class EigenMatrix_ = Eigen::MatrixXd, class EigenVector_ = Eigen::VectorXd, class Matrix_ >
Results< EigenMatrix_, EigenVector_compute (const Matrix_ &matrix, Eigen::Index number, const Options &options)
template<class Matrix_ , class EigenMatrix_ , class EigenVector_ >
std::pair< bool, intcompute (const Matrix_ &matrix, bool center, bool scale, Eigen::Index number, EigenMatrix_ &outU, EigenMatrix_ &outV, EigenVector_ &outD, const Options &options)
template<class EigenMatrix_ = Eigen::MatrixXd, class EigenVector_ = Eigen::VectorXd, class Matrix_ >
Results< EigenMatrix_, EigenVector_compute (const Matrix_ &matrix, bool center, bool scale, Eigen::Index number, const Options &options)
template<class Matrix_ >
WrappedWorkspace< Matrix_wrapped_workspace (const Matrix_ &matrix)
template<class Matrix_ >
WrappedAdjointWorkspace< Matrix_wrapped_adjoint_workspace (const Matrix_ &matrix)
template<class Matrix_ , class Right_ , class EigenVector_ >
void wrapped_multiply (const Matrix_ &matrix, const Right_ &rhs, WrappedWorkspace< Matrix_ > &work, EigenVector_ &out)
template<class Matrix_ , class Right_ , class EigenVector_ >
void wrapped_adjoint_multiply (const Matrix_ &matrix, const Right_ &rhs, WrappedAdjointWorkspace< Matrix_ > &work, EigenVector_ &out)
template<class EigenMatrix_ , class Matrix_ >
EigenMatrix_ wrapped_realize (const Matrix_ &matrix)
template<bool column_, class Matrix_ , class EigenVector_ >
Scaled< column_, Matrix_, EigenVector_make_Scaled (const Matrix_ &matrix, const EigenVector_ &scale, bool divide)

Detailed Description

Implements the IRLBA algorithm for approximate SVD.

Typedef Documentation

◆ WrappedAdjointWorkspace

Type of workspace for wrapped_adjoint_multiply(). This can be used to satisfy the MockMatrix::AdjointWorkspace interface, either directly or as a component of a larger workspace class.

Template Parameters
Matrix_A floating-point Eigen::Matrix class, or a class satisfying the MockMatrix interface.

◆ WrappedWorkspace

Type of workspace for wrapped_multiply(). This can be used to satisfy the MockMatrix::Workspace interface, either directly or as a component of a larger workspace class.

Template Parameters
Matrix_A floating-point Eigen::Matrix class, or a class satisfying the MockMatrix interface.

Function Documentation

◆ compute() [1/4]

template<class EigenMatrix_ = Eigen::MatrixXd, class EigenVector_ = Eigen::VectorXd, class Matrix_ >
Results< EigenMatrix_, EigenVector_ > irlba::compute ( const Matrix_ matrix,
bool  center,
bool  scale,
Eigen::Index  number,
const Options options 

Convenient overload of compute() with centering and scaling, which allocates memory for the output matrices of the SVD.

Template Parameters
Matrix_A floating-point Eigen::Matrix or equivalent sparse matrix class.
EigenMatrix_A floating-point Eigen::Matrix class.
EigenVector_A floating-point Eigen::Vector class, typically of the same scalar type as EigenMatrix_.
[in]matrixInput matrix.
centerShould the matrix be centered by column?
scaleShould the matrix be scaled to unit variance for each column?
numberNumber of singular triplets to obtain.
optionsFurther options.
A Results object containing the singular vectors and values, as well as some statistics on convergence.

◆ compute() [2/4]

std::pair< bool, int > irlba::compute ( const Matrix_ matrix,
bool  center,
bool  scale,
Eigen::Index  number,
EigenMatrix_ outU,
EigenMatrix_ outV,
EigenVector_ outD,
const Options options 

Convenient overload of compute() that handles the centering and scaling.

Template Parameters
Matrix_A floating-point Eigen::Matrix or equivalent sparse matrix class.
EigenMatrix_A floating-point Eigen::Matrix class.
EigenVector_A floating-point Eigen::Vector class, typically of the same scalar type as EigenMatrix_.
[in]matrixInput matrix.
centerShould the matrix be centered by column?
scaleShould the matrix be scaled to unit variance for each column?
numberNumber of singular triplets to obtain.
[out]outUOutput matrix where columns contain the first left singular vectors. Dimensions are set automatically on output; the number of columns is set to number and the number of rows is equal to the number of rows in mat.
[out]outVOutput matrix where columns contain the first right singular vectors. Dimensions are set automatically on output; the number of columns is set to number and the number of rows is equal to the number of columns in mat.
[out]outDVector to store the first singular values. The length is set to number on output.
optionsFurther options.
A pair where the first entry indicates whether the algorithm converged, and the second entry indicates the number of restart iterations performed.

Centering is performed by subtracting each element of center from the corresponding column of mat. Scaling is performed by dividing each column of mat by the corresponding element of scale (after any centering has been applied). Note that scale=true requires center=true to guarantee unit variance along each column. No scaling is performed when the variance of a column is zero, so as to avoid divide-by-zero errors.

◆ compute() [3/4]

template<class EigenMatrix_ = Eigen::MatrixXd, class EigenVector_ = Eigen::VectorXd, class Matrix_ >
Results< EigenMatrix_, EigenVector_ > irlba::compute ( const Matrix_ matrix,
Eigen::Index  number,
const Options options 

Convenient overload of compute() that allocates memory for the output matrices of the SVD.

Template Parameters
EigenMatrix_A floating-point Eigen::Matrix class.
EigenVector_A floating-point Eigen::Vector class, typically of the same scalar type as EigenMatrix_.
Matrix_Class satisfying the MockMatrix interface, or a floating-point Eigen:Matrix class.
[in]matrixInput matrix.
numberNumber of singular triplets to obtain.
optionsFurther options.
A Results object containing the singular vectors and values, as well as some statistics on convergence.

◆ compute() [4/4]

std::pair< bool, int > irlba::compute ( const Matrix_ matrix,
Eigen::Index  number,
EigenMatrix_ outU,
EigenMatrix_ outV,
EigenVector_ outD,
const Options options 

Implements the Implicitly Restarted Lanczos Bidiagonalization Algorithm (IRLBA) for fast truncated singular value decomposition. This is heavily derived from the C code in the irlba package, with refactoring into C++ to use Eigen instead of LAPACK for much of the matrix algebra.

Template Parameters
Matrix_Class satisfying the MockMatrix interface, or a floating-point Eigen:Matrix class.
EigenMatrix_A floating-point Eigen::Matrix class.
EigenVector_A floating-point Eigen::Vector class, typically of the same scalar type as EigenMatrix_.
[in]matrixInput matrix. Custom classes can also be used here to pass modified matrices that cannot be efficiently realized into the standard Eigen classes. See the wrappers.hpp file for more details, along with the Centered and Scaled classes.
numberNumber of singular triplets to obtain.
[out]outUOutput matrix where columns contain the first left singular vectors. Dimensions are set automatically on output; the number of columns is set to number and the number of rows is equal to the number of rows in mat.
[out]outVOutput matrix where columns contain the first right singular vectors. Dimensions are set automatically on output; the number of columns is set to number and the number of rows is equal to the number of columns in mat.
[out]outDVector to store the first singular values. The length is set to number on output.
optionsFurther options.
A pair where the first entry indicates whether the algorithm converged, and the second entry indicates the number of restart iterations performed.

◆ make_Scaled()

template<bool column_, class Matrix_ , class EigenVector_ >
Scaled< column_, Matrix_, EigenVector_ > irlba::make_Scaled ( const Matrix_ matrix,
const EigenVector_ scale,
bool  divide 

A convenient maker function to enable partial template deduction on the Scaled class.

Template Parameters
column_Whether to scale the columns. If false, scaling is applied to the rows instead.
Matrix_Class satisfying the MockMatrix interface, or a floating-point Eigen::Matrix.
EigenVector_A floating-point Eigen::Vector class for the scaling factors and matrix-vector product.
matrixUnderlying matrix to be column-scaled (if by_column_ = true) or row-scaled (otherwise).
scaleVector of length equal to the number of columns (if by_column_ = true) or rows (otherwise) of m, containing the scaling factor to divide (if divide = true) or multiply (otherwise) to each column/row.
divideWhether to divide by the supplied scaling factors.
A Scaled object.

◆ wrapped_adjoint_multiply()

void irlba::wrapped_adjoint_multiply ( const Matrix_ matrix,
const Right_ rhs,
WrappedAdjointWorkspace< Matrix_ > &  work,
EigenVector_ out 
Template Parameters
Matrix_Class satisfying the MockMatrix interface, or a floating-point EigenMatrix.
Right_A floating-point Eigen::Vector or equivalent expression.
EigenVector_A floating-point Eigen::Vector class
[in]matrixPointer to the wrapped matrix instance.
[in]rhsThe right-hand side of the matrix product.
workWorkspace for the adjoint matrix multiplication.
[out]outThe output vector to store the matrix product. This is filled with the product of this matrix and rhs.

◆ wrapped_adjoint_workspace()

template<class Matrix_ >
WrappedAdjointWorkspace< Matrix_ > irlba::wrapped_adjoint_workspace ( const Matrix_ matrix)
Template Parameters
Matrix_A floating-point Eigen::Matrix class, or a class satisfying the MockMatrix interface.
matrixInstance of a matrix.
Workspace to use in adjoint_multiply().

◆ wrapped_multiply()

void irlba::wrapped_multiply ( const Matrix_ matrix,
const Right_ rhs,
WrappedWorkspace< Matrix_ > &  work,
EigenVector_ out 
Template Parameters
Matrix_Class satisfying the MockMatrix interface, or a floating-point EigenMatrix.
Right_A floating-point Eigen::Vector or equivalent expression.
EigenVector_A floating-point Eigen::Vector class.
[in]matrixPointer to the wrapped matrix instance.
[in]rhsThe right-hand side of the matrix product.
workWorkspace for the matrix multiplication.
[out]outThe output vector to store the matrix product. This is filled with the product of this matrix and rhs.

◆ wrapped_realize()

template<class EigenMatrix_ , class Matrix_ >
EigenMatrix_ irlba::wrapped_realize ( const Matrix_ &  matrix)
Template Parameters
EigenMatrix_A floating-point Eigen::Matrix.
Matrix_Class satisfying the MockMatrix interface, or a floating-point Eigen::Matrix.
[in]matrixPointer to the wrapped matrix instance.
A dense Eigen matrix containing the realized contents of mat.

◆ wrapped_workspace()

template<class Matrix_ >
WrappedWorkspace< Matrix_ > irlba::wrapped_workspace ( const Matrix_ matrix)
Template Parameters
Matrix_A floating-point Eigen::Matrix class, or a class satisfying the MockMatrix interface.
matrixInstance of a matrix.
Workspace to use in multiply().