C++ RAII for igraph data structures
No Matches
C++ RAII for igraph data structures

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This library provides some RAII wrappers around the data structures used by the igraph C library. The aim is to make igraph a little bit more ergonomic for use in existing C++ codebases. The code here was originally developed as part of the libscran library, but has been factored out for potential re-use.

Currently, we implement wrappers for the following igraph structures:

igraph structure raiigraph wrapper
igraph_vector_t raiigraph::RealVector
igraph_vector_int_t raiigraph::IntVector
igraph_vector_bool_t raiigraph::BoolVector
igraph_matrix_t raiigraph::RealMatrix
igraph_matrix_int_t raiigraph::IntMatrix
igraph_matrix_bool_t raiigraph::BoolMatrix
igraph_t raiigraph::Graph

Please make a PR if your favorite structure is missing.

Quick start

All wrappers provide the usual RAII behavior, greatly simplifying memory management when used in existing code.

igraph_vector_int_size(thing); // can directly use the object with igraph.
} // thing's memory is released when 'thing' goes out of scope.
Wrapper around igraph_vector_*_t objects with RAII behavior.
Definition Vector.hpp:26

We also follow the rule of 5 convention, so copy/move assignment works as expected:

raiigraph::Graph inside(20, IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED);
igraph_graph_ecount(inside); // can directly use the object with igraph.
outside = std::move(inside);
Wrapper around igraph_t objects with RAII behavior.
Definition Graph.hpp:22

Some of the wrappers also provide convenience methods to query the underlying data structure without having to extract the raw pointer:

raiigraph::Graph example(20, IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED);
example.ecount(); // number of edges
example.vcount(); // number of vertices

Check out the reference documentation for more details.

STL compatibility

The Vector classes provide the same methods as std::vector and can be used as a drop-in replacement in various standard library functions:

// Vector provides std::vector-like behavior.
thing[0] = 1;
std::fill(thing.begin() + 2, thing.begin() + 5, 10);
std::sort(thing.begin(), thing.end());
auto& last = thing.back();

The Matrix classes provide views into the rows and columns that have STL-like behavior.

auto row_view = mat.row(5); // i.e., 5th row.
row_view[2] = 5; // modifies the underlying matrix.
row_view.back() = 10;
std::sort(row_view.begin(), row_view.end());
Wrapper around igraph_matrix_*_t objects with RAII behavior.
Definition Matrix.hpp:26

Controlling the RNG

The RNGScope class allows users to easily set the igraph RNG for reproducible execution. This uses RAII to restore the previous RNG when the instance goes out of scope:

RNGScope scope(10); // sets the RNG with seed of 10.
// use igraph functions that need the RNG.
} // restores the previous RNG.

This class can be used in a nested manner for easy composition:

void foo() {
RNGScope scope(20); // sets the RNG with seed of 20.
// use igraph functions that need the RNG.
} // restores the previous RNG.
RNGScope scope(10); // sets the RNG with seed of 10.
if (maybe_run) {
// use igraph functions that need the RNG, getting the same results
// regardless of whether foo() was called.
} // restores the previous RNG.

Building projects

CMake with <tt>FetchContent</tt>

If you're using CMake, you just need to add something like this to your CMakeLists.txt:

GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/LTLA/raiigraph
GIT_TAG master # or any version of interest

Then you can link to raiigraph to make the headers available during compilation:

# For executables:
target_link_libraries(myexe raiigraph::raiigraph)
# For libaries
target_link_libraries(mylib INTERFACE raiigraph::raiigraph)

This assumes that igraph has already been installed and can be found by find_package(). Users can use the RAIIGRAPH_FIND_IGRAPH option to disable igraph discovery (e.g., to supply a custom igraph installation), in which case they will need to link to igraph manually in their target_link_libraries() call.

CMake with <tt>find_package()</tt>

find_package(raiigraph_raiigraph CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mylib INTERFACE ltla::raiigraph)

To install the library, use:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake --build . --target install

Again, this assumes that igraph has already been installed and can be found by find_package(), unless otherwise specified via RAIIGRAPH_FIND_IGRAPH.


If you're not using CMake, the simple approach is to just copy the files in include/ - either directly or with Git submodules - and include their path during compilation with, e.g., GCC's -I. This means that you are responsible for manually linking to igraph.