Substitutable parallelization for C++ libraries
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Substitutable parallelization for C++ libraries

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This repository implements a simple parallelize_range() function that can be used throughout all of my C++ libaries. By default, it just splits the range of tasks into equi-sized intervals that are executed by different workers. OpenMP is used if it is available, otherwise we spin up a new std::thread for each interval. Advanced users can define a macro to instruct parallelize_range() to use their own parallelization mechanism. This allows applications to quickly substitute all instances of parallelize_range() across all libraries with something more appropriate.

Quick start

The subpar::parallelize_range() function requires the number of workers, the number of tasks, and a function that iterates over the range of tasks and executes them in a single worker.

/* num_workers = */ 10,
/* num_tasks = */ 12345,
/* run = */ [&](int worker, int start, int len) {
// ... do some per-worker set-up ...
for (int task = start, end = start + len; task < end; ++task) {
// ...process each task ...
void parallelize_range(int num_workers, Task_ num_tasks, Run_ run_task_range)
Parallelize a range of tasks across multiple workers.
Definition range.hpp:126
Substitutable parallelization functions.

subpar::parallelize_range() functions will correctly handle exceptions thrown in the user-supplied function. This comes with some slight overhead so the user can set the nothrow_ template parameter to false if they can guarantee that their supplied functions will not throw.

On occasion, the user has already assigned a task to each worker outside of subpar. This is handled by subpar::parallelize_simple(), which will execute each task in its own worker without the overhead of task range partitioning.

/* num_tasks = */ 4,
/* run = */ [&](int task) {
// ...process each task ...
void parallelize_simple(Task_ num_tasks, Run_ run_task)
Parallelize individual tasks across workers.
Definition simple.hpp:51

Check out the reference documentation for more details.

Custom parallelization

If the SUBPAR_CUSTOM_PARALLELIZE_RANGE macro is defined, it is used in place of the default behavior whenever subpar::parallelize_range() is called. The macro should accept exactly the same arguments as subpar::parallelize_range(), but the macro author is now responsible for distributing tasks among workers. This can be used to inject other parallelization mechanisms like Intel's TBB, TinyThread, Boost, etc. The same approach can be applied to subpar::parallelize_simple() via the SUBPAR_CUSTOM_PARALLELIZE_SIMPLE macro.

template<typename Task_, class Run_>
void silly_parallelize(int workers, Task_ jobs, Run_ run) {
// Doesn't actually parallelize at all; hence, silly!
run(0, 0, jobs);
// Can define a macro:
#define SUBPAR_CUSTOM_PARALLELIZE_RANGE ::silly_parallelize
// Or, can define a function-like macro
#define SUBPAR_CUSTOM_PARALLELIZE_RANGE(w, j, r) ::silly_parallelize(w, j, r)
// Finally, include the subpar headers:
// And now use the subpar functions...

Users can additionally define the SUBPAR_CUSTOM_PARALLELIZE_RANGE_NOTHROW or SUBPAR_CUSTOM_PARALLELIZE_SIMPLE_NOTHROW macros. These will be used in place of their non-NOTHROW counterparts in the nothrow_ = true case, providing an optimization opportunity for custom parallelization schemes when exception handling is not required. Note that the non-NOTHROW macros still need to be defined before the NOTHROW macros can be used, even if all calls to subpar functions use nothrow_ = true.

Building projects

CMake with <tt>FetchContent</tt>

If you're using CMake, you just need to add something like this to your CMakeLists.txt:

GIT_TAG master # or any version of interest

Then you can link to subpar to make the headers available during compilation:

# For executables:
target_link_libraries(myexe subpar)
# For libaries
target_link_libraries(mylib INTERFACE subpar)

CMake with <tt>find_package()</tt>

You can install the library by cloning a suitable version of this repository and running the following commands:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake --build . --target install

Then you can use find_package() as usual:

find_package(ltla_subpar CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mylib INTERFACE ltla::subpar)


If you're not using CMake, the simple approach is to just copy the files in the include/ subdirectory - either directly or with Git submodules - and include their path during compilation with, e.g., GCC's -I.